miercuri, 7 ianuarie 2009

Despre sex

Sex is just a journey not a destination

Love is the fresh air on a railway station

Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb

Love is when on top you just look around

Sex is what you think about "wild'n free"

Love is the last leaf of a dying tree.

Later edit:

So when you're ridin' high

You might as well not see

The leaf beside the road

Falling from the tree...

18 comentarii:

  1. Acest comentariu a fost eliminat de autor.

  2. "Love is the last leaf of a dying tree."

  3. la faza asta ajungi totusi sa te intrebi care e the real destination, cu siguranta nu sex...

  4. si mai zicea cineva:
    "True Love is The Answer ...but until you find it, the sex raises a lot of interesting questions."
    Cum stii cand ai gasit Raspunsul, totusi?

  5. cand spui until you find it implica timp pe care'l consumi din viata ta, si pe care nu ai vrea sl risipesti pe orice pentru ca asta nu mai cum sa-l recuperezi,
    ....si daca ridica numai intrebari nefolositoare???

  6. din pacate asa e, putem trece in graba pe langa dragoste fara sa ne dam seama ce pierdem. avem alte aspiratii "mai inalte"...sad but true...

  7. Don't tell me the sky's the limit, there are footprints on the moon!

  8. Hai sa fim seriosi, dar dragostea nu mai are aceleasi conotatii pe care le avea odata!Nu mai exista acea dragoste care sa te faca sa zbori, care sa te faca sa crezi ca toate problemele au o rezolvare, care sa-ti umple sufletul de bucurie. Acum a intervenit nevoia de a nu mai fi singur, de a avea un suflet alaturi de tine. Practic acum totul se rezuma la nevoie!
    Poate ma insel...dar la mine una asa e...

  9. "...the last leaf of a dying tree"?but what if you never catch that leaf??!!

  10. Sad and true...
    But love sometimes could be
    a full of life new tree
    and sex might be its leaves.
    When they are blown away
    the tree itself comes grey.

  11. About Sex & Love

    When in love
    it makes the roots grow
    deep into the ground

    When not
    the pleasures still flow
    but growth is not around

    When in love
    it is the dance that fits
    and brings relaxation

    When not
    it is the fun play that hits
    with both joy and worries of contamination


  12. "Sex is just a journey not a destination"-excelent spus.
    But sometimes this journey is all we need,it's the antidot we take when the love is gone.

  13. what happens when someone is not ridding at all and is waiting for the leaf to fall into his arms?
    what happens if someone is to afraid to search for his tree?
    what happnes if someone like me builds walls and finds pretexts to hide from the journey, from the destination?
    will i ever find myself breathing the fresh air...or will i fall in love with traveling....Your poem made me think and i dislike my thoughts. Do you want to trade yours for mine? yours seem interesting

  14. you should be high
    enough to see
    one last leaf and try
    to stop it falling from the tree

  15. genial. Sunt curios cand o sa faci primul tau scenariu de film...ca sigur o sa ajungi si la asta. N-are treaba...dar ma gandeam de mult ca o sa vad si un film de Tudor Chirila

  16. "Sex is a big mountain you struggle to climb
    Love is when on top you just look around"

    Ce se poate deduce de aici...ca sa poti ajunge acolo sus de unde poti privii in zare...e nevoie sa te cateri pe munte...depinde de fiecare ce traseu alege...unul mai abrupt, plin de pericole...de pe care te poti prabusi intr-o secunda si sa-ti inchei viata pe loc sau sa ramai cu sechele...sau un drum mai putin abrupt...mai lung, cu carari...cu poienite in care poti poposi...un drum pe care daca il urmezi sigur ajungi in varf.(toate acestea presupunand ca se doreste sa se ajunga acolo)
