miercuri, 8 iulie 2009
Tropicul Capricornului
Am reusit sa termin Tropicul Capricornului al lui Henry Miller. Recomand aceasta carte, cu o traducere excelenta a Antoanetei Ralian. Sunt pasaje de o betie de idei si cuvinte care iti dau de gandit vizavi de limitele scrisului. Miller se scufunda intr-un mal de asocieri, filozofeaza prevalandu-se de sex ca inceput si sfarsit al tuturor lucrurilor, centru al universului cuprins intr-o gamalie de ac. Un pasaj legat de copilarie absolut sfasietor. Cartea e un bisturiu care taie si vindeca in acelasi timp. Sinceritate debordanta. Cinism care curata. Se joaca cu timpii si cu firul epic scotand in evidenta un singur lucru: NEVOIA DE A SCRIE. Cu orice pret. Cititi, va veti bucura.
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Este o carte buna, eu recomand si cartile lui Anais Nin celor care gusta acest gen de lectura.
RăspundețiȘtergerePare interesanta. Multumesc de recomandare:)
RăspundețiȘtergereMulţumim pentru postul de pe blogul lui Cabral.
RăspundețiȘtergerehmm...am incredere in recomandarile tale...intresanta descriere a cartii...:)
RăspundețiȘtergereDa...si trilogia e foarte tare. E haios cum spui "am reusit" ca si cum te-ai fi straduit putin :)
RăspundețiȘtergereEu tocmai am vazut Politist adjectiv.
da...eu iti recomand filmul Henry and June ...o sa-ti placa...asta in cazul in care nu l-ai vazut deja :)
RăspundețiȘtergereDaca tot esti in Grecia, (re)citeste Magicianul de Fowles..
RăspundețiȘtergereDeci l-ai descoperit pe Henry Miller. Poate ceva din magia neagra a cuvintelor lui se va "strecura" in muzica ta, uneori vibratiile se apropie... daca ar fi fost muzician, poate ar fi scris si el ceva de genul "Curvelor, cu drag", dar si "Undeva in.. Clichy" pentru toate noptile albe cu Anais Nin.
RăspundețiȘtergereciteste daca ai la indemana "zile linistite la clichy" sau "primavara neagra"...intr-adevar...tropicul capricornului este o carte de exceptie care te face sa iti pui anumite semne de intrebare si care te deconecteaza de tot ce e in jurul tau ! vacanta frumoasa!
RăspundețiȘtergereMie imi pare deprimant Miller. Si un pic haotic. Daca nu scria, cred ca s-ar fi sinucis...
RăspundețiȘtergereStau inchis
Cu suflet incins
Te astept.
Apari razlet
Zimbesti semet
Apoi dispari
Iar revii.
Caci strig
Disperat- inapoi!!!
Suntem doi
Din nou.
Mister ucigas
Chipul trufas
Ti –l arati
Sclipind .
Mina întind
Ating, tremurind
Trupul tau blind
Calda ,curată
Pe palme purtata
De mine in veci
Vei fi.
Te privesc
Si incet iti soptesc
Sa nu fugi
Ca ieri.
Te-am cuprins
Tinind strins
Talia ta
Si-n inima mea
Am ris.
Pari linistita
Naluca dorita
In dulce ispita
Ma duci.
Miraj iscusit
De nimeni rivnit
Destin harazit
Celui bolnav.
Aevea visez
In vise traiesc
De boala sfirsesc
Te iubesc!
There is truth to the claim that sometimes a bad writer can be closer to greatness than a good writer, because the bad writer may just be slightly off in all the areas he or she needs to be great in, while the good writer is merely solid in all areas, but never comes close to greatness in any area. This, however, is not the case with Henry Miller. He is a bad writer because he is virtually void of any writing talent. Let’s go down the checklist: Imagery - no. Narrative ability- no. Characterization - no. Depth - no. Insight - no. Dialogue - no. Poesy - no. Wit - no. I could go on, but you get the general drift. Instead, Miller was one of the earliest examples of a talentless badass who made a name for himself on reputation alone.
‘Tropic Of Cancer’ was written in 1934, and ‘Tropic Of Capricorn’ in 1938. They are his two most famous works - rivaled only by his ‘Sexus’, ‘Plexus’, and ‘Nexus’ trilogy. Had only Miller spent more time working on writing than his own most obvious talent, public relations, he may have been a greeting card writer in the offing. Here is his most famous quote from Cancer: “This is not a book. This is a libel, slander, defamation of character. This is not a book, in the ordinary sense of the word. No, this is a prolonged insult, a gob of spit in the face of Art, a kick in the pants to God, Man, Destiny, Time, Love, Beauty.’ Great, eh? Both books are basically the autobiographies of Miller, with the usual dash of braggadocio and bullshit thrown in. Of course, nothing much really happens in either book. Miller fucks, sucks, drinks and stinks.
He has not any idea what to do with narrative, nor even what it is, or can do. Of course, many defenders state that this sex obsession is a sign of Miller’s politicality, when really it is a sign of his dementia and stunted personal growth. Yes, Hank, women can be bitches and cunts, but coming from a dick like you, where’s the pejorative? Miller tries to make suffering seem chic, yet the lie is not only that it’s not, but those who are born poor know it’s not, and only a pansy bourgeois elitist who goes slumming would think it is. Every ten pages there’s a rare sentence or two that shows a glimmer of poetry, but the dull and unrealistic conversations, obsession with shit, vermin, drink, sex, and disease then reassert themselves, like a boner that needs an encounter with Lorena Bobbitt.
Let’s see, what else might you need to know? Oh, one book is set mainly in Paris, the other in New York. If I have not yet let slip which book is set in which it does not matter. There is no plot. Am I going in circles? This technique is known as recapitulation. Imagine me stating, There is no plot. Am I going in circles? This technique is known as recapitulation, over and again for three hundred plus pages, with a few fucks and cunts tossed in.
TROPIC OF CANCER / TROPIC OF CAPRICORN by Henry Miller Reviewed by Dan Schneider http://nycnovels.blogspot.com/2007/11/tropic-of-cancer-review-by-dan.html
ce tare, la 40 de ani tudorel a ajuns la miller. hai, mai ai putin, la 50 o sa ajungi la camus.
RăspundețiȘtergereMie sincer sa fiu mi-a placut mult cartea, asa ca o recomand. In general sunt incantat de aparitiile literare de la Cotidianul si de autorii alesi de ei.
RăspundețiȘtergerePentru cei ce cauta acest volum, il gasiti de ex. la libraria Carti-Online, anume:
Lectura placuta!